The project "11 to 11 - to learn a language you need a friend" is an app that connects people who share a common goal: to learn the native language of each other.
The main purpose is to enable two people to connect with each other while facilitating and guiding them in their language learning process. In order to achieve this, the platform combines multiple tools that use different aspects of gamification.
In the app, two people from different backgrounds engage in a daily challenge with each other. Every day before 11am each of the participants must send a word to their partner - the "word of the day“. The partner on the other side, must then create a sentence with this word, record an audio with it and send it to the other person until 11pm. So from 11 to 11 it’s "challenge time“.
Besides the daily challenge, the platform comes along with an unpublished and exclusive fiction book called "The Emperor’s Three“.